'Adult' Podcast Problems, iPod History, iPod Alarm Clock, Musical Hallucinations, and More, Charles Moore, iPod News Review, 2005.07.28. Also death of the album, fight hunger in Niger, picking the right iPod, new replacement batteries, Radio Days announces song titles, and more. Recreate your software suite. Many of the PC programs you’ve been using are Windows-only. Discover the Mac equivalents and learn how to move data to them. Learn Yosemite. Apple’s latest operating system is faster, smarter, and more in tune with iPads and iPhones. If Yosemite has it, this book covers it. Get the expert view. Alarm Clock software has the abilities as described below: 1.Alarm can be set to a maximum of 23hrs, 59mins and 59 seconds (24 hours) 2. Minimum time is 1 second 3. Alarm Clock application has play / stop button to start or resume the timer 4.Alarm Clock application has Pause / Resume for pausing or resuming the timer any time 5.Alarm Clock application has clear button which clear everything 6.
Bowers & Wilkins Headphones is the companion app for Bowers & Wilkins PX7, PX5, PI4, and PI3 headphones, with support for PX. Bowers and wilkins px mac app. A few additions/ tweaks will be great addition1- battery percentage within the app and a voice prompt that tell you how much juice you have left left. Customize the features and settings of your wireless headphones to ensure the best listening experience possible.- Customize and control the features of your headphones.- Easily manage headphone connections from a single screen.- Quickly access product info and support.- Keep your headphones' software up-to-date.- Tailor settings for an optimal listening experience.Compatible Wireless Headphones:PX7PX5PI4PI3PX. Korblah, Awesome headphonesThe app is awesome, it does most of the basics well!! Although you can view the battery percentage if you go to the control center of the iPhone2.
The iNews Review
Compiled by Charles Moore and edited by Dan Knight - 2005.07.28
This Week's iPod News
PowerBook, iBook, iPod, and other portable computing is coveredin The 'Book Review. GeneralApple and Mac desktop news is covered in The Mac News Review. News aboutApple's transition to Intel CPUs and other Intel developments iscovered in The MacintelReport.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
News and Comment
Products and Services
iPod Deals
News and Comment
'Adult Oriented' Podcasts on iTunes Could PoseProblems for Apple
iPodNN says:
'Apple's emergence as a leader in podcasting may bring it morepublic scrutiny, as one report notes the availability of several'adult-oriented' podcasts on iTunes. Analysts say that theacceptance of amateur podcasts has inherent risks, and while userscan let the company know if they object to certain content (as thecompany provides no specific guidelines), Apple says it tries toreview as many submissions as it can for 'really obvious' adultcontent..'
History of the iPod
Braeburn's Tom Hormby has posted a history of the iPod.
https://rushartuma.tistory.com/4. 'The iPod, more than any other single product from Apple, haschanged the company and the world. Before its introduction MP3players were the realm of small companies with limited budgets andno content. After the iPod the entire industry has evolved andgrown to the point where the largest computer companies in theworld have major interests in the digital music industry.'
Death Knell for Albums in the Age of theiPod?
The Guardian's Natalie Hanman says:
'British music's biggest hit these days is also its biggestthreat. For while recording industry bosses were heaving a sigh ofrelief last week after music downloads began to turn into a nicelittle earner, they also faced the demise of their biggestmoney-spinner: the album. The reason is that digital music players,such as the iPod, do not respect the album format - that40-minute-plus journey into the mind of your favourite band.
'When you visit Apple's iTunes Music Store, you can buyindividual songs for 79p in minutes. Online stores such as thishave sold 10m tracks so far this year, while sales of CD singleshave fallen by 23%, selling 4.4m between April and June. Digitaldownloads may be saving the single, but what can this one-trackworld do for the long-play album?'
iPod Case Crafted fromPortable Cassette Player
iPod Hacks reports:
'Not all hacks have to be about good looks, really. Such is thecase with the hack that Dave Derwin recently undertook in guttingan old Walkman-style portable AM/FM radio/cassette player andturning it into a hardshell carrying case for his 4G iPod. Seeingthe two units merged is almost an artistic expression of aestheticopposites, really. (The Walkman is pretty ugly.)'
Get an iPod Adapter and Help Fight Hunger inNiger
PR: SendStation Systems, creators of the PocketDock lineof iPod adapters, have announced that it will donate US$5 for everyPocketDock FireWire, Combo, Line Out FW or USB sold through theSendStation online store before August 21, 2005 to fight hunger inNiger. The west African nation of Niger is suffering an acutehumanitarian crisis: according to the United Nations 3.3 millionpeople are in desperate need of food, including 800,000malnourished children.
SendStation will also be offering free worldwide shipping on allorders throughout the fundraising campaign to support iPod userswho may be eager to help contribute to the relief efforts. At theend of the fundraising effort, funds will be donated to the UnitedNations Children's Fund (www.unicef.org). This is SendStation'ssecond global fundraising activity. In January of this year, theiPod accessory maker donated US$3,250 to support Tsunami victims inSouth Asia.
iPod Owner Demographics
Macworld UK reports:
'Most - but by no means all - US iPod owners are males agedbetween 18 and 28, new research shows.
You can even use Burn to copy DVD files (.dmg, iso, cue/bin, etc.). Burnis an open-source, free CD burner software for Mac. It has an incredibly user-friendly interface and gained a wide reputation for doing basic burning tasks. https://rushartuma.tistory.com/7.
'The Pew Internet and American Life Project has issued newdemographic data to describe iPod owners, reports ZD Net.'
iPods May Cause 'Musical Hallucinations'
Spymac's Kristie Masuda says:
'As the popularity of the iPod increases, so do studies on howApple's digital music devices are affecting our health.
'The latest of the studies to appear is from a psychiatrist atWhitchurch hospital in Cardiff. According to Dr. Victor Aziz,listening to an iPod could leave you with psychological problems.Aziz is warning those who listen to a lot of music that a continualexposure to music can cause cases of musical hallucination. Thebrain can begin listening to phantom music and a song can 'play'over and over again in one's head.'
Army and Air Force Exchange System SellingiPods
ifo Apple Store reports:
'During Wednesday's conference call with financial analysts,Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer mentioned that the number of iPodresellers went from 21,000 to 25,000 during the quarter. Amongthose, a tipster points out, is the Army and Air Force ExchangeSystem (PX, BX), which operates stores on military bases and a Webstore. PX merchandise is typically discounted (avg. 22%) for activemilitary, and overseas Department of State and embassyemployees.'
Apple to Integrate iPod with JapaneseCars?
iPodNN reports:
'Apple is working to integrate its iPod with Japanese cars,following successful iPod-ready stereo system upgrades from othercar manufacturers. The company intends to begin working withJapanese automakers later this year to develop car audio systemsthat use iPod digital music players, according to a report byNikkei. '
Nissan Debuts iPod-ready Car NavigationSystem
iPodNN reports:
'Nissan Motor Company has started marketing a car navigationsystem that allows users to connect their iPod to the system whendriving in Nissan vehicles, according to Kyodo News. The newnavigation system features a specific iPod connector that deliversin-car control of iPods through its 7-inch touch screendisplay..'
Which iPod Is Right for You?
Playlist's Christopher Breen says:
'In the beginning (OK, in 2001), there was the original5 GB iPod - and we were lucky to have it. But in the past fouryears, Apple has made things a bit more complicated, adding severalnew members to the iPod family. Not too long ago, making aniPod-buying decision boiled down to exactly one factor: whether youhad the money to pay for it.
'Now that Apple offers three versions of its diminutive musicplayer - the iPod shuffle, the iPod mini, and the color iPod(including the iPod U2 Special Edition and most HP-branded models)- at prices ranging from $99 to $400, there's far more to consider.Will a small iPod or a large iPod serve you better? And is thereany advantage to owning Apple's iPod instead of one branded withthe HP logo? I've had my hands on every iPod model Apple hasreleased, so I'm in a unique position to give advice on finding theiPod that'll be the best fit for you.'
Using Your iPod as a Hard Drive
iLounge's Kirk McElhearn says:
'iPods are made for music, right? Well, yes, but your iPod cando a lot more than that: you can also use your iPod as a hard diskto store files, back up your work, or transfer files from onecomputer to another. After all, an iPod is simply a tiny storagedevice with a screen, audio hardware, and a special case. StandardiPods use miniature hard drives, while iPod shuffles use memorychips. Both are as good at storing data as they are at storingmusic.
'Many people - 44% of readers responding to an iLounge survey,in fact - use the iPod as a music and data device, and the reasonsare obvious: it's easy to carry between home and office; you canuse it to back up work-related files during the day, just in caseyou lose your work; and you can use it for storing personal filesas well, if you have enough room after you've filled your iPod withtunes (and possibly pictures).
'Using the iPod as a hard disk begins with one step: change somesettings in iTunes' iPod preferences. After that, it's as simple asdragging files to and from the iPod.'
Troubleshooting Any iPod
MacFixIt has completely revamped its iPod, iPod mini, and iPodshuffle Special Report, revising each original section and addingseveral new topics of coverage.
Now covering the following issues:
- When songs won't play
- Warning about Windows DRM and the iPod
- Using Apple's Disk Utility, other disk tools to solve iPoddirectory/permissions problems
- USB 2.0 synchronization/data transfer problems
- Audio dropouts, pauses
- Revitalizing a frozen/unresponsive iPod
- Sudden, Unexpected Resets
- Repair difficult, replacement often cheaper: Cracked LCDscreens and more
- Quirkiness when synchronizing with high-power USB 1.1ports
- Mac freezes when going to sleep with iPod connected
- iTunes-purchased tracks won't transfer to iPod
- iTunes crash on iPod connection; solutions
- iSight interference
- Falling Asleep (appearing off) suddenly
- iPod-stored tracks cannot use some iTunes features
- Updater software issues
- Shuffle USB connectivity issues
- Remote Control problems
- iPod not showing up in iTunes
- Batteries: Charging, maintaining capacity, maximizing life;more
- Preferences not sticking
- Extracting files from an iPod to a Mac
- Distorted/static sound
- Dealing with Smart Playlists
- AppleCare for iPods
- Complaints about Apple earbud quality; alternatives
- Data loss - Music disappears from iPod
Link: Troubleshootingthe iPod, iPod mini, iPod shuffle
iPod Stops Responding or Will Not Wakefrom Sleep
An updated Apple Knowledge Base article says:
Reset iPod if it stops responding or will not wake fromsleep.
If either of the following occur, reset your iPod
- iPod has stopped responding and seems to have 'frozen'. None ofthe buttons work, but the display is on.
- Even though it is charged and the Hold switch is not on, iPodwill not wake from sleep no matter which button you press.
Link: iPod StopsResponding or Will Not Wake from Sleep
Products and Services
iPod Alarm Clock Radio
CNET News.com's Michelle Meyers reports:
'First, the iPod was something we took with us as we walked outthe door. Then it crept its way into the home with the help ofrelated docking stations and speaker systems. Now, with the arrivalof the iPod Alarm Clock Radio, the music player has found its wayinto the bedroom, too.
'Hammacher Schlemmer just started selling the long-anticipatedbedside alarm clock with no mention of its manufacturer. Howeverthe clock looks a lot like one previously announced (somewhatcryptically) by iHome, a division of SDI technologies.'
mini iGuy 'Fully Functional Case andToy' for iPod mini
PR: MeetiGuy - the first bendable, posable friend for you and your iPodmini! Not only is iGuy fun, he's fully functional - offering greatrubberized protection, docking capability, and screen protectionfor your iPod or iPod photo.
- Cool toy and protective case in one
- Bendable, posable arms
- Dockable - 'sits' and hangs out while your iPod mini chargesand synchs up!
- Removable screen protector
- Full access to controls, headphone plug and hold switch
- Fits all mini iPods (4 & 6 GB)
Insert iPod thru iGuy's 'docking flap'. Pull bottom part aroundyour iPod- bend arms into desired position. Insert screen protectorand have fun with your iGuy!
Price: $34.95
Old Mac Software Stickies Weather Clock Free
Griffin SiliSkins Silicone Skins foriPod Shuffle
PR: Shelter your iPod shuffle fromscratches, drops, and bumps. Pick a color to fit your mood oractivity. Mix & match cap colors for a look all your own.SiliSkins are form-fitted and their see-through design allow foreasy operation of the iPod shuffle.
- Protects iPod shuffle
- Available in 3 fun colors
- See-through case allows for easy iPod shuffle operation
Slip your iPod shuffle inside a SiliSkin and slide on the cap.Your shuffle is ready to rumble.
Griffin SiliSkins come in tripaks of 'frosted' colors includingclear, pink, and blue.
Price: $19.99
iMojo shuffle Sweats Announced
PR: iMojo announces the availabilityof shuffle Sweats, the only armband for the iPod shuffle made fromabsorbent, machine washable cotton and the only armband designed tobe worn on the forearm, offering high performance and comfort inone simple design. It comes with a cable wrap made fromhigh-tensile strength silicon to keep extra headphone cord out ofthe way.
Unlike other armbands worn above the elbow, the iMojo shuffleSweats herald an end to bicep rash and are fully compatibility withall T-shirts. Available in black or white in 2-packs for $18.95directly from iMojo.
iDiddy iPod Lanyard/Earbud Manager Shipping
PR: Pacific Rim Marketing has announced that the iDiddy,a wearable leather case and integrated earbud combination thateliminates tangled wires has begun shipping. The first in a familyof products, the iDiddy provides the user with enhanced qualityearbuds and a hand sewn, designer styled leather case broughttogether in a single unit. No more loose wires, no more wishing fora third hand. iDiddy gives you freedom to walk, run, or lounge.Because it's wearable, you can keep it conveniently under a shirt,jacket, or sweater if you don't want prying eyes to see it. iDiddylet's you enjoy your iPod more.
These new and unique products are the first of their kind to beoffered for Apple's complete iPod product line, including theshuffle, iPod mini, and new combined 4-G/iPod photo product lines.iDiddy merges fashion and technology, completely integrating theearbuds into a synthetic leather iLanyard attached to a leathercase. When not in use, each individual earbud slides into a clip onthe iLanyard to prevent tangles. The iLanyard is adjustable toaccommodate the differences in height of each individual wearer.Available and in stock now for immediate shipment, iDiddys for allof Apple's currently shipping product line, including the recentlyconsolidate iPod photo products, are shipping in three colors;Onyx, Mocha, and Snow.
Chameleon: iPod Case Provides Good Looks andProtection
PR: Griffin Chameleon cases for iPod are unlike anythingthat has been seen before for iPod. Through a new breakthroughprocess, full color artwork is integrated into the polyvinylChameleon case, with stunning results. There is no comparisonbetween Chameleon Cases and the thin sticker products currentlyavailable.
With Chameleon Cases, there is no need to compromise betweengreat looks or protection, the Griffin Chameleon case offersboth.
Griffin Chameleon cases are made of a sturdy dense polyvinylmaterial, much tougher than regular silicone cases. Inside aChameleon Case, your iPod is shielded from the rigamarole andderring-do of your typical day. The front control wheel iscompletely protected and fully functional.
- Tough rubber form fitting case provides ultimateprotection
- Easily removable
- Includes belt clip dock for easy on/off access
- Included 21' lanyard
- 16 Exceptional designs like you've never seen before
Link: GriffinChameleon
Nyko's iPod Accessories
PR: Looking for iPod accessories that are hip, unique,and functional? Nyko Technologies, manufacturer of products fordigital lifestyles, has launched several fun, convenient iPodperipherals over the past few months including:
iPod accessories:
- iTop Button Relocator - a sleek adaptor that relocatesall basic iPod control functions from the face of the player to thetop of the iPod - perfect for listening on-the-go, whether running,biking, or just toting in a bag or pocket
- iBoost/iBoost mini - a slim and compact rechargeablebattery pack for iPods with dock connectors and iPod minis thatadds up to 16/10 hours of extra playtime.
- Universal Car Mount - an attractive, easy-to use, anddurable holder for mounting the iPod/iPod mini in the car,featuring a quick release for easy installation. Compatible withcar chargers, FM transmitters, and other accessories
- Stereo Link - an ideal dock connector to RCA plug cablethat allows the iPod to connect to any device such as a homestereo, pro-audio workstation/mixer, television, DVD player, VCR,car stereo and HDTV
- FireWire Adaptor - a high performance adaptor thatallows the iPod to connect to a FireWire port for transfer speedsof 400 Mbps
Link: Nyko
iPod photo Replacement Battery fromNewer Tech
PR: Newer Technology, Inc. (NewerTech) has introduced ahigh-capacity 900mAh replacement battery for all iPod photo modelsand fourth-generation 40 GB iPod models from Apple Computer.
The battery is immediately available for $29.99 and ships withinstructions and installation tools, though professionalinstallation is highly recommended. It provides 28 percent morerun-time capacity for iPod photo models and 50 percent morerun-time capacity for the fourth-generation 40 GB iPod.
'You can't help but love your iPod,' said Larry O'Connor,president of NewerTech. 'And we make sure there's plenty of timefor that love to grow. If you buy only one enhancement for youriPod, make it one of our batteries. Others are moot if your iPodruns out of juice.'
With a replacement iPod battery kit from NewerTech, you keepyour iPod with your tunes, personality and customizations insteadof receiving a new, blank unit that needs to be reloaded fromscratch.
NewerTech offers a full line of iPod replacement batteries:
- 1800mAh first- and second-generation replacement battery for$29.95
- 2100mAh first- and second-generation replacement battery for$39.95
- 850mAh third-generation replacement battery for $25.99
- 750mAh fourth-generation replacement battery for $25.99
- 600mAh iPod mini replacement battery for $24.95
- 900mAh iPod photo replacement battery for $29.99
NewerTech products are available from fine retailers.
OWC Launches iPod Battery ReplacementProgram
PR: Other World Computing (OWC) has announced it isoffering an iPod battery replacement program for thenot-so-do-it-yourselfer.
OWC customers within the continental US purchasing any NewerTechNuPower iPod battery replacement for their Apple first-, second-,third-, or fourth-generation iPod, iPod mini, or iPod photo modelcan elect to have OWC install that battery for an additional $39.The batteries are available for $24.95 to $39.95.
Customers will receive a packing box for shipping their iPod toOWC, complete with a return overnight shipping label and protectivecushion. Once OWC receives the iPod, trained service technicianswill perform the battery replacement as well as clean and test theiPod prior to repackaging and returning the iPod &endash; allwithin 24 business hours. OWC properly disposes of the oldbatteries.
'Even if you combine the price of one of our batteries and ourinstallation program, this is an affordable alternative toreplacing your iPod,' said Larry O'Connor, president of OWC. 'Incontrast to others, we return your same iPod ready to jam with allyour data intact and just like you left it.
'NewerTech NuPower iPod batteries are the highest capacity andlongest running replacement batteries you can buy. These batteriesare fully user-installable with the tools, instruction manual andinstallation videos we provide. Even so, we recognize not everyoneis comfortable with the steps required to perform thisinstallation. That's why we offer this service.'
OWC offers a full line of NewerTech iPod batteries that range inprice from $24.95 to $39.95 and offer up to 70 percent morecapacity than standard iPod batteries. More information on the OWCiPod installation program utilizing NewerTech NuPower batteries isavailable online, by calling 1-800-275-4576, or by email atsales@macsales.com
Installation services are also available to OWC customers livingoutside the 48 contiguous states for additional shipping costs.Please contact a sales representative by calling 1-800-275-4576ext. 2 for more detailed information
FastMac Introduces Longest LastingBattery for G4 iPods
PR: FastMac has announce the addition of Generation 4iPods to its TruePower line of iPod battery upgrades. All TruePowerbatteries utilize patented nanoparticle technology to dramaticallyextend battery life and feature the industry's only 2-yearwarranty. FastMac is now accepting preorders for the Gen 4 batteryupgrade on its website and will be shipping the second week ofAugust. All preorders will receive a free iPod travel charger or afree iPod car charger, at the customer's preference. Upgrades forGen 1, 2, and 3 iPods are available now.
FastMac's TruePower upgrades replace the iPod's originalinternal Lithium-Ion battery with a larger capacity and longerlasting advanced power cell. The upgrade offers 20%-70% morecapacity than the original (depending on iPod model) and up to 7.5times as many charge cycles. This is accomplished through the useof TruePower's patented nanoparticle technology, whichsignificantly slows the degradation of the battery.
'Response to our Gen 1, 2, and 3 battery upgrades has beengreat, but we were really surprised by how many Gen 4 owners wereasking, 'When can I get one?' said Michael Lowdermilk, BusinessDevelopment Manager for FastMac Performance Upgrades. 'We'reworking to expand our product line and we'll be announcing upgradesfor more models soon.'
FastMac's TruePower Technology protects and prevents damage tothe battery's internal lithium crystal matrix caused by powerspikes. These spikes occur when an iPod demands a sudden highcurrent peak, for example to turn on the backlight or load the nextfew songs. Over time they decrease capacity, runtime, and batterylife, eventually rendering the power cell unusable.
Through the use of TruePower Technology, the upgrade is able tosmooth out these power spikes. This protects the battery and leadsto a longer life cycle. Without the TruePower Technology the powercells are left unprotected and would steadily decrease in capacityafter each charge cycle.
By extending the battery's life the FastMac upgrade also helpsthe environment by curbing the depletion of materials used inbattery products and reducing the number of waste batteries inlandfills.
FastMac's TruePower iPod battery upgrades are available for thefollowing models:
- Generation 1 & 2 for $39.95
- Generation 3 for $29.95
- Generation 4 Click Wheel for $29.95.
- Generation 4 U2 Special Edition for $29.95.
All iPod battery upgrades are covered by the industry's only2-year warranty and include a 30 day money back guaranty. Necessarytools and installation instructions are also included.
FastMac also offers an iPod upgrade program for an additional$49.95. Price includes prepaid 3-way shipping, professionalinstallation, and 48-hour turnaround.
iPodResQ iPod Repair Service to APO,FPO, and PO Box Addresses
PR: MacResQ has announced an expanded set of iPod RepairServices from their iPodResQ division that allows customers withAPO, FPO, and PO Box addresses to utilize their premier worldwideservice at a discounted rate. This is especially relevant to anyonein the US Armed Forces living abroad with US APO addresses.
The price for the service will be discounted from $29 to $24.This service includes a custom iBox sent to the customer's APO,FPO, or PO box to pickup the iPod for delivery back to the iPodResQservice center. iPodResQ will receive the unit, contact thecustomer with a repair quote within 24 hours, perform the repairupon approval, and return the unit to the customer's APO, FPO, orPO Box. This is all done fully insured.
To get started, customers simply call 1-877-Pod-Repair or visithttp://www.ipodresq.com.
'This new service was specifically designed to accommodate ourservice men and women stationed overseas that experience iPodtroubles while abroad. We have received such an overwhelmingrequest from all branches of the US Military and it was ourpleasure to develop the same unprecedented service for thoseserving our country. We are providing them with our full-line ofiPod repairs and high-capacity battery replacements by partneringwith the United States Post Office to ensure the customer's iPodsare transported safely and quickly.' said Ryan Arter, President ofMacResQ. 'We will be happy to be the preferred iPod service centerfor our troops based overseas as well as anyone else in the U.S.with an APO, FPO, or PO Box address.'
For computer resellers and repair centers, iPodResQ offersdiscounted rates on products and services. Computer dealers cansend overflow service work or seamlessly outsource their entireiPod repair operation. Volume discounts are available for schools,corporations and government agencies.
Radio Days Announces iTunes Song Titles,Even on iPod shuffle

PR: Have you ever been in the kitchen preparing yourfavorite guacamole, squeezing a handful of avocados, when youriTunes player gets this song you can't remember the author? NowRadio Days is there to announce the last song played thanks toOS X voice synthesis capacities.
Would you like to know what song is playing on your iPod shufflealthough it doesn't have any screen? Radio Days can export the nameof songs to your favorite player, allowing you to browse and getsong titles without needing any display.
- Announcing artist/album/title at the end of the song
- Supports radio streaming titles
- Export the sayings to an iTunes playlist
- Voice settings
New in this version:
- Fixed the bug from the previous bug fix .. ('stopped' variabledoesn't exist).
- Fixed a bug that announced 'Please select a song fromiTunes'
System requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
- iTunes 2.0.3 or higher
Radio Days is freeware.
idtunes Adds Song Name, Artist, Album,Length, and Genre to MP3 Tracks
PR: 'So, you are playing music in iTunes.. and you wantto play that song by Bob Dylan, but your forget what its called.You click on the 'artist' column to sort by artist. You scroll downto the B's and you see the songs that you have by Bob Dylan. . . but not the song your looking for! What's up withthat? You know you have the song, but why is it not there? After 10minutes of sorting through all your songs you find it somewherenear the bottom with an 'unknown' in the artist column. How manytimes have you looked at your iPod and thought about spending timetyping in all the correct info for each song just so you could findit easily?How many years have you put up with that missing info?How many years in the future? Wouldn't it be nice if there was autility that would just go in and correct all those fields ofinformation automatically.
Now there is! idtunes fixes those missing or wrong ID3 tagsautomatically, once and for all. Systematize, organize, removeduplicates and correct irregularities in your music collection,even add lyrics. Once and for all clean up your MP3 song collectionwithout having to spend weeks typing and checking the info.
Here's how songs are organized on your computer: embedded inevery MP3 there are ID3 tags. These ID3 tags identify the SongName, Artist, Album, Length, and Genre. When you rip songs from aCD and you are not connected to the net or you get an MP3 fromanother source often these songs are missing all or some of the ID3tags, or have spelling mistakes, or use different forms ofsyntax.
idtunes goes thru your entire collection of MP3s using songfingerprint matching and enters all the correct tags (ID3 tags arethe fields that list the artist, title, track, genre, etc.). Nowinstead of 'Unknown' or 'Track 7' idtunes uses a variety oftechniques to make sure that the correct Title is there, thecorrect Artist is there, etc. idtunes also cleans up your musiccollection by helping you find duplicate files and also by renamingfiles the way you want. idtunes works to organize and clean up yoursong collection so that you can find music when you want to.idtunes performs its music recognition on songs by sampling andchecking the sample against our web database of 3.5 million songs.Using advanced frequency matching and song fingerprintingtechnology, idtunes matches your song and corrects anyirregularities in the tag information.
idtunes can also search for lyrics and add them to a song.
Here's how idtunes makes songs easier to find:
- Fills in 'unknown' or 'unnamed' file names
- Corrects Syntax
- Corrects Spelling
- Removes Duplicates
- Fills in Artist information
- Fills in Album information
- Fills in Genre information
- Fills in Year information
System requirements: Any Mac running OS X 10.2 or higher
periodicPod, an iPod-basedChemistry Reference
PR: Sure, you've got our periodic table softwareinstalled on your computer. But what about on your iPod? Is thateven possible?
periodicPod is the premier chemistry reference tool for youriPod. periodicPod gives you quick access to atomic properties,wherever you go with your iPod. The included data is based onSynergy Creations' award-winning Periodic Table software, which isavailable for Macintosh and Windows XP computers.
Salient Features:
- Quick access to a wide variety of atomic properties - whereveryou go!
- Easily adjust units of properties stored on iPod.
- Easy to use iPod-style interface.
- User configurable - choose what data you want to load onto youriPod.
- iPod installers available for Mac OS X and Windows XP!
System requirements:
- an iPod with Notes capability and a screen: e.g. 3rd or 4thgeneration iPod, iPod mini, iPod photo, or iPod U2
- a Mac OS X or Windows XP computer that works with the iPod
- doesn't work with iPod shuffle.. there's no screen!
periodicPod is $9 shareware.
PodQuest Stores Driving Directions onYour iPod
PR: PodQuest is an application for Mac OS X that allowsyou to download driving directions to your iPod.
Once you have downloaded your driving directions to your iPod,you can conveniently access the driving direction any time of theday, thanks to the backlighted display on your iPod.
The current version of PodQuest supports the following mapsites:
- Google Maps (North America/UK)
- Yahoo Maps (North America)
- MapQuest (North America/Europe)
- MapBlast (North America)
- Mappy (Europe)
- RandMcNally (USA)
- ViaMichelin
- WhereiS (Australia)
- Krak (Denmark)
New in this version:
- Added support for Maporama.
- Added support for Multimap.
- Fixed bug that prevented scroll bar from being shown inpreferences window.
System requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later
- Safari 1.0.3 or later
- iPod setup for 'Disk usage'.
PodQuest supports all model of iPods, except, for obviousreasons, the iPod shuffle.
PodQuest is $9.95 shareware.
iPod Track & Playlist Sync/Transferwith iPod.iTunes
PR: Unlike other iPod copy tools, iPod.iTunes checkswhich tracks and playlists on the iPod are not in the iTunes musiclibrary and only adds those seamlessly to the iTunes library,avoiding duplicates, saving your time. iPod.iTunes can alsotransfer data like 'My Rating', 'Last Played', 'Play Count',etc.
- Simple one click synchronization or..
- Option to choose tracks manually if you don't want tosynchronize them all. You can listen to tracks before you choose totransfer them.
- Tracks and playlist entries can be synchronized together orseparately. If the tracks on the iPod are already in the iTuneslibrary and you only want the iPod playlists, you can use theplaylist synchronization alone.
- With every track synchronization iPod.iTunes creates adate&time stamped playlist in iTunes containing the trackswhich were transferred. This gives the option to easily add thosetracks to existing playlists or to create new playlists from thetransferred tracks.
- Support for the iPod's 'On The Go' playlist.
- Copies by default seamlessly to the iTunes music folder andcreates a folder structure based on artist/album, as in iTunes(with options).
- File naming based on track number and track name, as iniTunes.
- File formats: MP3, AAC/MP4, Protected AAC (iTunes Music Store),Audible audio books, Podcasts, Apple Lossless.
- Support for Windows-formatted iPods.
- iPod.iTunes can run directly from the iPod, so it's alwaysthere when you need it.
- Registration is independent of the computer. You can justconnect your iPod to any Mac without registering everymachine.
iPod.iTunes can be used to
- Keep music and playlists on different Macs up to date
- Do a full restore of tracks and playlists - i.e., after a harddisk failure or if you buy a new Mac
- Revert accident deletion of tracks and/or playlists in iTunes,if these are still on your iPod
- Clone an iPod
- Transfer an entire music library from one Mac to another viathe iPod
System requirements:
iPod.iTunes 2.8.8 supports:
- Mac OS X 10.2 up to 10.4.2
- iTunes 3.0.1 up to 4.9
- Mac/PC-formatted iPod with firmware 1.0 up to 4.2. Doescurrently not work with the iPod shuffle.
New in Version 2.8.8
- Version 2.8.7 introduced two bugs which could lead to the wrongmessage 'No tracks on iPod' or copying tracks from the iPod alreadyin the iTunes library. If this happened to you the copied trackscan be removed by sorting the iTunes library by 'Date Added', thenremove the tracks that where added during the lastsynchronization.
- PC-formatted iPods: since the iPod name must not exceed 11characters, iPod.iTunes renames the iPod to match the iPod's diskvolume name automatically now.
- Tools: The function to fix ID3 tags on the iPod could fail with'Parameter error -50'. Fixed.
- Improvements in the user interface.
Link: iPod.iTunes
iPodderX Podcast and RSS ReceiverClient
PR: iPodderX is the world's very first Media Aggregatorand makes it easy to get your news, podcasts, video logs, oranything else in a news feed.
iPodderX uses the power of RSS and Atom news feeds to bringfresh content to your desktop automatically. Just like a newspaperor a cable TV subscription, these feeds can contain different typesof content. Depending on which feeds you subscribe to, iPodderXwill deliver Audio, Movies, Images, Documents, and any other kindof file right to your computer. With iPodderX, you'll always havefresh content!
New in Version 3
Keep your hard drive from filling up with old podcasts withSmartSpace. Simply set the amount of space you'd like to use, andiPodderX automatically deletes old files. And if a file getsdeleted that you want to keep, that's OK - iPodderX makes it a snapto re-download old files.
Playlist Builder
With Playlist Builder, you can quickly create iTunes Playlistsor iPhoto Albums with your downloaded podcasts and images. Simplychoose the files you want to use, click Create, and your Album orPlaylist is created for you!
Have the news read to you with NewsCaster. Any text-based newscan be automatically turned into an audio podcast, ready forlistening on your iPod or portable music device. It's a great wayto get the news without having to sit in front of a computer!
Much More
Full Screen Video, Subscription and Entry filtering, full-textsearches integrated podcast Directory . . . iPodderXcontains so much more, it's impossible to list all of the features.The best way to see them all in action is to download iPodderX andtake it for a test drive.
System requirements: Mac OS X 10.3.5 or higher
iPodderX is $19.95 shareware.
MaxPod Podcast for News & Weather onYour iPod
PR: MaxPod is cross-platform application that helps youto maximize what your iPod can do.
'The iPod gives a great platform for music listening, but it cando so many other functions. With MaxPod, we are trying to automateas much of that functionality as possible. Right now it can syncfiles between your hard drive and iPod. It can download the newsand weather into audio files that you can listen to on your iPod.It can organize your notes, your music, and get directions. I useit every day. I just set the auto mode to 5:50 AM and by the time Iam ready to go, it has backed up and synced my files, downloadedthe news and weather, which I listen to on the way to work,' saysLuke Jackson, head programmer at LAJ Design

Create your own unique podcast every day. Sync your filesautomatically everyday to a great backup device. Listen to theweather and news that you want every day.
Auto mode can automate file syncing between iPod and localdrives Music mode lets you backup your music and can rename musicAdd/modify/backup notes, maps, and lyrics on your iPod
The Registered version gives the following
- Save multiple watermark setups
- No Nag window
- Excellent Support
Available for Windows and Macintosh.
New in this version:
- Redesigned the program for a new look
- Added myPodcast which creates the CSS to let you make your ownpodcasts (the program can also make the audio files for you)
- Added podcast support
- Removed the volume option because not really needed
System requirements: Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
Zhorn Software Stickies
MaxPod is $16.50 shareware.
Pod2Go: News, Weather, Movies, Lyrics& More on Your iPod
PR: With Pod2Go, you can read the news from thousands ofweb sites, get the forecast for cities around the world, view movieshow times for your local theaters, find your way around town withdriving directions, or even sing along to the lyrics of yourfavorite song, all from your iPod!
Pod2Go turns your iPod into a PDA. Calendars, contacts, to-do's,notes, and much more can be quickly accessed. If you need a PDA butonly need to view your data, Pod2Go and your iPod are a perfectmatch. You can also read your unread messages from Apple's Mail, oreven your Stickies.
Every time your sync your iPod, Pod2Go simply formats textdownloaded from the Internet into an iPod-friendly format, and thenwrites it to your iPod. Pod2Go works with all existing iPods,including the iPod photo! Older iPods with the mechanical scrollwheel will have their data stored as contact files, and newer iPods(touch sensitive) will use the notes feature.
Pod2Go is very customizable to suit your needs. Pod2Go canautomatically sync at certain times of the day, and when your iPodis connected to your computer. It can also eject your iPod when itsfinished syncing, so you don't even have to touch your mouse.
System requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.2.7 or higher
- iPod Software 1.3
Pod2Go is $12 shareware.
Stickies App For Mac
iPod Deals
For current iPod prices from a variety of sources, see ourBest iPod Deals.
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- Mac of the Day: Quadra 605 (Performa 475), introduced 1993.10.18. The least expensive Mac until the $799 iMac gave the LC 68040 power.
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